Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Immigration Week, Tuesday November 13: School of the Americas: State Sponsor of Terrorism and Torture

Claudia De La Cruz--Director of the Dominican
Women’s Youth Development Center, Pastor at la Igle-
sia San Romero de Las Americas, Latin American Studies
Professor at CUNY John Jay, Masters candidate at the
Columbia School of Social Work, and an a long time ac-
tivist for immigrant rights, women’s rights and social jus-
tice--will speak about the US Army School of Americas
(SOA). Based in Fort Benning, Georgia, SOA trains Latin
American security personnel in combat, counter insur-
gency, and counter-narcotics. SOA graduates are respon-
sible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin
America, including the massacre of Las Ojas. Because
of its notorious reputation, the school was renamed the
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security and Coopera-
tion (WHINSEC) in 2001.
As part of her presentation, Professor La Cruz will air
a documentary about SOA’s role in US foreign policy in
Latin America. 301 Fayerwether, 8pm.

Also Today:

Rally at the Sundial with CCAW
No More $$ For War Profiteers!
Columbia has $4 million invested
in war profi teers Lockheed Martin,
General Dynamics and Raytheon.
Rally to demand that the committee
on Socially Responsible Investing at
Columbia divest from those compa-
nies that supply munitions for the
unjust war on Iraq. Afterwards, join
the town hall meeting and let your
voice be heard. E-mail krs24@co-
lumbia.edu to speak at the meeting.
Sundial, 5pm.

1 comment:

Johanna Ocaña said...

the SOA event starts at 8!!!