Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Call your Senator!

Here' some troubling news from some of the U.S. Senate offices in Washington D.C. Apparently there are a number of Senators who are thinking about voting against the economic stimulus legislation if there are higher education funding increases, such as the Pell Grant & Federal Work-Study programs in it.

Call your Senator today at 202-224-3121 and tell them that investments like the Pell Grant and other higher education provisions MUST be kept in the final economic stimulus.

Here is a sample script for making your phone call:

"Hi, my name is ________________ and I am a constituent of Senator ______________. I am calling today in coalition with students across the country and the United States Student Association to urge Senator _____________ to include increases to the Pell Grant and other higher education provisions in the economic Recovery legislation to be voted on this week. For families hit hardest by the economic downturn or workers who have lost jobs, a $500 increase in the Pell Grant maximum award may well make the difference between staying in college for the spring semester or putting college attendance on hold; or in choosing re-training in a new field over unemployment. It is critical that higher education be a major part of any economic stimulus legislation that Congress votes on and I am urging Senator_____________ to only vote for economic recovery that is good for students and working families. Thank you for your time."


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