Monday, February 25, 2008

Open Meeting on Core Curriculum

Check out the discussion of the Core Curriculum in the context of Gramsci's writing on culture in the last el participante. Although radicals and activists need to establish their own "Core" of self-education and research, it is important that we are engaged in the process of defining one of Columbia's most distinctive institutions. The core need not be a homage to dead, white reactionaries. It has the potential of serving as a space in which to criticize the fundamental assumptions of Western thought in terms of the sexual division of labor, patriarchy, racism, imperialism, capitalism, and private property. Let's make sure the left is present, intelligent, and articulate. Check out the Gramsci selection in the last issue of el particiapante.

Hosted by the Student Reps on the Committee on the Core

GOT IDEAS ABOUT THE CORE CURRICULUM? Come join us for an open discussion on your experiences, opinions, and questions about the Core Curriculum - learn about the mechanisms of change, the way curricula are developed and updated, and how you can get your voice heard. Don't just be a passive participant in your education - be proactive about the core curriculum that you want.

All CC and SEAS students are invited to talk and evaluate in a safe environment, open to all points of view. The ideas and opinions generated from this conversation will not only stimulate debate on our Core, but will also be taken and represented to the Committee on the Core, a body that includes the chair of each Core class. If you have any questions, please contact us at If you cannot make it on the 27th but are interested in future discussions, send us your email to be added to the mailing list.

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